
AsiaCCS 2025, the 20th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, will be organized by Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). AsiaCCS is one of the most prestigious venues in the field of cybersecurity. This is the first AsiaCCS in Hanoi, the beautiful capital of Vietnam, with more than a thousand years of history and a unique culture blending Oriental and Western influences.

AsiaCCS 2025 expects to attract around 400 participants representing a variety of institutes and corporations from all over the world. There will be around 130 accepted research papers covering all aspects of cybersecurity, presented in more than 20 sessions running in 3 parallel tracks. There will be 3 invited talks from leading experts on the hottest topics in cybersecurity.

AsiaCCS 2025 offers a number of sponsorship opportunities suitable for organizations of all sizes. Sponsors of AsiaCCS gain visibility for their organizations and contribute to the success of the leading conference in the field of cybersecurity. Please contact one of the conference sponsorship chairs, Le Xuan Thanh (thanhlx@soict.hust.edu.vn) or Tran Quang Duc (ductq@soict.hust.edu.vn), to select sponsorship categories below, or to discuss additional exciting ways in which you can introduce your organization to the audience and contribute to the conference.

Acknowledgment will be given during the conference opening speech to bronze sponsors. The logos of bronze sponsors will be displayed on all media where the organization’s logo appears. The conference website will feature the logo and name of the sponsors. Up to one roll-up banner from the sponsors can be exhibited at the registration desk. Bronze sponsorship includes one conference registration, with the social dinner included.

Acknowledgment will be given during the conference opening speech to silver sponsors. The logos of silver sponsors will be displayed on all media where the organization’s logo appears. The conference website will feature the logo and name of the sponsors. Up to two roll-up banners from the sponsors can be exhibited at the registration desk. Silver sponsorship includes two conference registrations, with the social dinner included.

During the conference opening speech, acknowledgment will be extended to gold sponsors. Gold sponsors will be mentioned alongside the organization’s logo across all media platforms. The conference website and all conference roll-ups will feature the logo and name of the gold sponsors. Furthermore, the opportunity to deliver a brief speech at the social dinner will be provided to gold sponsors

Acknowledgment will be extended during the conference opening speech to the platinum sponsors. The platinum sponsors will be prominently mentioned on all media where the organization’s logo is displayed. The conference website and all conference roll-ups will feature the logo and name of the platinum sponsors. The platinum sponsors will be afforded the opportunity to give a talk during the conference. Four conference registrations, including the social dinner, will be provided. Additionally, the platinum sponsors may negotiate other potential benefits.

For any questions related to sponsorship, please contact the sponsorship chairs at thanhlx@soict.hust.edu.vn or ductq@soict.hust.edu.vn.