Call for Papers
The 20th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2025) seeks paper submissions presenting novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of security and privacy. We seek articles presenting accessible and compelling results to general computer security researchers. Purely theoretical (e.g., cryptography-focused, with no security/application connections) submissions are not encouraged. The same goes for submissions focusing primarily on blockchains or machine learning.
Like in previous years, we will also be accepting “Systemisation of Knowledge” (SoK) papers. SoK submissions need to add the prefix “SoK: ” in the title. They will be accepted based on the value to the community. Survey papers without insights evaluating, systematizing and contextualizing current knowledge will be rejected.
Program Chairs
- Michail Maniatakos (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- Yinqian Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Important Dates
Cycle 1 Deadline
- Paper Submission: 20 September 2024 (AoE)
- Early Rejection: 25 October 2024
- Author Notification: 13 December 2024
- Camera Ready: 11 January 2025
Cycle 2 Deadline
- Paper Submission: 20 January 2025 (AoE)
- Early Rejection: 28 February 2025
- Author Notification: 19 April 2025
- Camera Ready: 25 May 2025
Submission Instructions
Please read the instructions below before submitting your paper. Please get in touch with the PC chairs at for any questions regarding the submissions.
Technical papers submitted for ASIACCS must be written in English. Papers must be in PDF format and at most 12 pages double-column. We will allow up to 10 additional pages for the bibliography and well-marked appendices, but note that reviewers are not expected to read the appendices. Authors should prepare the submissions using the latest ACM Sigconf style conference template (available here). All fonts, images, tables, and figures must comply with common standards and not generate problems for reviewers. Titles of SoK papers must begin with “SoK:” Submissions not meeting the formatting requirements risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Conflicts of Interest
When submitting the paper, authors must declare the conflict of interest (COI) with the Program Committee members, including the chairs. Those who are considered COI include:
- Anyone who shares an institutional affiliation with an author of the paper at the time of submission.
- Anyone who was the advisor or advisee of an author at any time in the past.
- Anyone the author has collaborated with or published within the prior two years.
PC members, including chairs with a conflict of interest with a paper, will be entirely excluded from the evaluation of that paper. Failure to declare COI or declaring fake COI can lead to the paper being rejected. If a PC member with COI reviews a paper, it will be rejected.
Anonymous Submissions
ASIACCS employs a double-blind reviewing process. All submissions should be appropriately anonymized. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper. The authors should avoid obvious self-references and should appropriately blind them if used. The list of authors cannot be changed (but the order can be) after the submission is made unless approved by the Program Chairs. Publishing the submission on a preprint repository, such as arXiv, is allowed but authors should refrain from broadly advertising their results (e.g., social media, seminars, etc.) and may not contact TPC members regarding their submitted work.
Double and Concurrent Submissions
Submissions to ASIACCS 2025 must not substantially overlap with papers that are published or simultaneously submitted to other venues with proceedings (including journals or conferences/workshops). Double submission will result in immediate rejection. We may report detected violations to other conference chairs and journal editors.
Ethical Considerations
The authors should clarify any potential ethical and legal concerns to their results, highly critical vulnerabilities or exploits, etc. The authors should provide evidence (beyond approval of the experiment by their institution) elaborating how they have thoroughly considered such issues. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject a submission if the authors present insufficient evidence that the study appropriately addressed ethical or relevant legal concerns.
Early Rejection and Appeals
There will be no conventional rebuttal process. Papers that receive substantially negative initial reviews will be rejected early. The authors of early-rejected papers, and only such papers, will receive a copy of their initial reviews. Authors who substantively disagree with the reviews can appeal to the PC chairs within 72 hours upon receipt of the notification email. Authors’ appeals must clearly and explicitly identify substantial disagreements with factual statements in the initial reviews that should be adjudicated by a particular arbitration reviewer who the PC chairs may recruit. Appealing a submission that was rejected early will keep it under consideration, and it cannot be withdrawn or resubmitted elsewhere until the final notification of acceptance or rejection.
Paper Revision and Resubmission
Rejected papers in the Cycle 1 cannot be resubmitted in the Cycle 2. A small number of the Cycle 1 submissions may receive a Revise decision, rather than Accept or Reject and may be revised and resubmitted together with the response to reviewers’ comments into the same HOTCRP submission server. The revision may include running additional experiments, improving the paper’s presentation, or other improvements. Papers meeting the expectations will typically be accepted. We will request additional revisions only in exceptional circumstances.
Camera-Ready and Conference Presentation
If a paper is accepted, the author list in the submission cannot be changed when preparing the camera-ready version. Authors of accepted papers must also guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference. At least one author of the paper must be registered at the appropriate full conference rate.
For any questions related to paper submissions, please contact the PC chairs at